
OHDSI Europe | Lung Cancer Patient Treatment with Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: Multicenter, NLP-guided Data Extraction from EHRs​

Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) revolutionized the treatment landscape for lung cancer, displaying significant survival benefits in numerous clinical trials. However, understanding real-world treatment patterns and outcomes of lung cancer patients receiving ICIs remains crucial for optimizing patient care. To address this gap, we conducted a multicenter study to gain novel insights into the utilization of ICIs in lung cancer patients.

Download the abstract (as showcased at the OHDSI Europe 2024 symposium) by completing the form.
The abstract also earned us a spot for a rapid fire presentation, presented by Dr. Annelies Verbiest (UZA) and Clara L. Oeste (LynxCare).


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During the collaborator showcase at the OHDSI Europe 2024 symposium, Dr. Annelies Verbiest (UZA) and Clara L. Oeste (LynxCare) will provide insights into our Belgian oncology research network and present the initial results from the study (see abstract). Additionally, they will discuss the study design as well as the multidimensionality of the data warehouse created and the research opportunities this brings.

Click HERE to visit our Lung Cancer Dataset Insights overview for more information on the LynxCare datasets within our European hospital network.

Abstract authors: Vincent Geldhof, Annelies Verbiest, Danielle Delombaerde, Philip Debruyne, Christof Vulsteke, Dries Hens, Clara L. Oeste, Iege Bassez

A special thank you to OHDSI Belgium, the clinicians and hospitals involved (UZA, AZ Maria Middelares, az groeninge and AZ Klina), and the fabulous LynxCare team of clinical and data experts who made this possible!

During the collaborator showcase at the OHDSI Europe 2024 symposium, Dr. Annelies Verbiest (UZA) and Clara L. Oeste (LynxCare) will provide insights into our Belgian oncology research network and present the initial results from the study (see abstract). Additionally, they will discuss the study design as well as the multidimensionality of the data warehouse created and the research opportunities this brings.

Click HERE to visit our Lung Cancer Dataset Insights overview for more information on the LynxCare datasets within our European hospital network.

Abstract authors: Vincent Geldhof, Annelies Verbiest, Danielle Delombaerde, Philip Debruyne, Christof Vulsteke, Dries Hens, Clara L. Oeste, Iege Bassez

A special thank you to OHDSI Belgium, the clinicians and hospitals involved (UZA, AZ Maria Middelares, az groeninge and AZ Klina), and the fabulous LynxCare team of clinical and data experts who made this possible!


OHDSI Europe | Lung Cancer Patient Treatment with Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: Multicenter, NLP-guided Data Extraction from EHRs​

Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) revolutionized the treatment landscape for lung cancer, displaying significant survival benefits in numerous clinical trials. However, understanding real-world treatment patterns and outcomes of lung cancer patients receiving ICIs remains crucial for optimizing patient care. To address this gap, we conducted a multicenter study to gain novel insights into the utilization of ICIs in lung cancer patients.

Download the abstract (as showcased at the OHDSI Europe 2024 symposium) by completing the form.
The abstract also earned us a spot for a rapid fire presentation, presented by Dr. Annelies Verbiest (UZA) and Clara L. Oeste (LynxCare).

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Analysis of Lung Cancer Patient Treatment with Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors Using Natural Language Processing for Data Extraction from Electronic Health Records

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