About LynxCare

LynxCare receives ISO 27001 certification for its security management system

Illustrating LynxCare’s commitment to providing an effective and secure AI-powered clinical data platform for hospitals, LynxCare has received ISO 27001 certification for its overall security management.

LynxCare puts a priority on protecting its customers’ data. Over the past months, the company has worked hard to, where possible, improve its security policies, processes and procedures. The goal was to meet the industry's strictest security requirements. Those efforts have resulted in the company receiving ISO 27001 certification for its overall security management.

The importance of ensuring security via ISO 27001

Hospitals using the LynxCare clinical data platform need guarantees that their data will be secured using methods conforming to formal, globally recognized processes.

ISO 27001 provides requirements for an information security management system (ISMS). These requirements are related to the physical security of facilities, software product security, financial information, intellectual property, HR processes and personnel, and management’s commitment to security work. Using them enables organizations like LynxCare to manage the security of these assets.

The past months as LynxCare’s CISO have been very rewarding. Supported by security consultancy company Toreon, I have seen an organization that already had a decent security posture, grow into an organization focusing on security and the protection of their sensitive customer data. The certification process - Thomas Lemaitre - CISO LynxCare

LynxCare’s certification was issued after the completion of a formal audit performed by Brand Compliance, an independent and accredited certification body based in Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden.

Outcome for LynxCare customers

Certification of the LynxCare information security management system means that our customers can expect systematic and ongoing management of information security risks that can affect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of corporate and personal information. Implemented controls include security-by-design product development, data encryption, vulnerability management, business continuity and disaster recovery plans, and much more.

For more information about LynxCare’s commitment to keeping hospitals’ data secure, their private information private, and being transparent about our data practices, please visit our Compliance Center.

Questions about LynxCare’s certification can be directed to Thomas Lemaitre, who is responsible for governing implementation and oversight of all our ISO27001 controls.



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