Tired of doubting your data's quality? Overwhelmed by the challenge of integrating disparate data sources? Are data governance and legal concerns slowing down your decision-making process?
Imagine having hassle-free access to robust and granular RWE you can trust.
At LynxCare, we free you to focus on what matters most – driving insights and advancing healthcare.
LynxCare is a Belgian-US company that unlocks deep hospital RWE insights and enables life science organizations with strategic hospital RWE collaborations under a federated data governance model.
Our platform leverages AI & NLP to extract and harmonize (un)structured data from various hospital sources such as EHR, claims and lab data.
We are active in the EU for oncology, cardiology, rare diseases, and many more therapeutic areas.
Listen to Dries Hens M.D., Chief Medical Officer, and learn about a recent study performed by LynxCare and a Belgian hospital, in which a novel state-of-the-art NLP procedure was applied to automatically extract red flag symptoms from patients' EHRs and select patients at risk for ATTRv polyneuropathy, a rare disease, for further genetic testing.