Booth X1-203

Meet the LynxCare team at the
ISPOR Europe 2022

Sunday, November 6th - Wednesday, November 9th
Austria Center Vienna, Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1, 1220 Vienna, Austria

Event Summary

LynxCare Booth

You can schedule a meeting with us through the ISPOR virtual platform here (opens on November 1st).

LynxCare HEOR Theatre Presentation

Session Title: How AI Unlocks RWE in Belgium, France, Germany –  Use Case in Rare Diseases (hATTR and ATTR-CM)
Date/Time: Tuesday, 8 November 2022 from 11:40-12:00
Location: Austria Center Vienna, HEOR Theater 2, Hall X1


Presentation Details

How AI Unlocks RWE in Belgium, France, Germany: Use Case in Rare Diseases (hATTR and ATTR-CM)

Presentation description
Multi-center RWE Hubs are enabling large-scale evidence generation across various therapeutic areas (i.e. cardio, onco, neuro) in Belgium, France, and Germany. Georges De Feu (LynxCare) and Jean-Baptiste Angeloglou (PSIH) will share how these federated clinical data networks create value for patients, clinicians, and researchers. Clara Oeste (LynxCare) will showcase how these insights are being used to identify patients at-risk of rare diseases through A.I. and NLP. LynxCare works with leading hospitals in Europe and the United States, and facilitates scientific research for Life Sciences companies such as AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Novartis within a strict ethical and legal framework.

Georges De Feu - Founder LynxCare photo

About Georges De Feu (CEO & Co-Founder, LynxCare)

Georges De Feu is a 3x successful start/scale-up founder & exec in HealthTech. Georges is the CEO and founder of LynxCare, the Big Data market leader in healthcare. With an AI-driven data platform, they help hospitals unlock previously unavailable clinical data for better patient care and scientific research. They work with leading hospitals in Europe and the United States, and facilitate scientific research for Life Sciences companies such as AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Novartis within a strict ethical and legal framework.

Clara L. Oeste headshot

About Clara Oeste (Senior Medical Writer, LynxCare)

Clara L. Oeste obtained her BSc and MSc in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Complutense University in Madrid, Spain. Her PhD at the Spanish National Research Council focused on the dynamics of RAS proteins, and during her 5+ years as a postdoc, she focused on their role in leukaemia and breast cancer. She has co-authored numerous scientific papers, editorials, and book chapters.  Recently, as a medical writer and scientific advisor, she has focused on the value of real-world evidence (RWE) in diverse therapeutic areas to foster AI-driven clinical insights and patient outcomes research.

Jean-Baptiste Angeloglou  PSIH headshot

About Jean-Baptiste Angeloglou (Managing Director, PSIH Group)

Jean-Baptiste Angeloglou is the Managing Director of PSIH Group, the leader in Business Intelligence in hospitals in France. After obtaining his MSc in Law and Taxation from the Panthéon-Assas University in Paris, France, he held positions as Deputy Managing Director at CEGEDIM, Head of Sales at CMPMedica, and Commercial Director and member of the ComEx of IQVIA France. PSIH has been supporting healthcare organisations for over 20 years in analyzing their structured data and is active in more than 1,000 hospitals. PSIH also manages databases such as the French hospital discharge database (PMSI) and French nation-wide healthcare data system (SNDS), which is the largest RWD source in Europe.

About LynxCare

We help build the healthcare systems of tomorrow

Health data is siloed in different languages and software systems. Using AI and NLP, LynxCare unlocks structured and unstructured clinical data and creates federated clinical data warehouses.

In line with the recently announced European Health Data Space, LynxCare utilises the OMOP Common Data Model.

Benefits across your life science company.

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Increase quality & completeness of data sets

  • Easily identify and set up fit-for-purpose data sets, across multiple institutes
  • Get access to data beyond RCTs by building data-relations with hospitals on top of Lynxcare
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Cost-efficient RWE insights

  • Reduce time spent on validating data sets by deploying artificial intelligence to do the extraction
  • Find data that is highly relevant to your product positioning by filtering
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Collect data within the correct legal & Ethical frameworks

  • Comply with regulatory frameworks such as GDPR by using Lynxcare’s validated data aggregation & storage methods
  • Simplify access management within the hospital, within your team and beyond
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Maximize potential for commercial success

  • Use more RWD/ RWE to improve successful reimbursement studies & collaborations
  • Generate truly fit-for-purpose datasets by collaborating across hospitals & regions
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Reduce products’ time-to-market

  • Launch faster with more data available
  • Solve clinical & budgetary uncertainties to ensure successful market entry
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Use across different disease areas

  • Build on top of Lynxcare’s template library to scale across different disease areas
  • Scale up across languages and countries, too
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Solidify your relations with healthcare organisations

  • Use the value-add Lynxcare provides to healthcare organisations to establish a long-term relationship
  • Support your key opinion leaders by providing them tools that help them do perform more research
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Benchmark across institutes and data sets

  • Compare data sets across regions, instutes, languages and disease areas
  • Understand efficiency-efficacy gaps by working on broader data sets
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Simplify market surveillance data collection

  • Easily collect PREMs and PROMs on products, directly from the existing hospital data infrastructure

Our company values.

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Open Source - OMOP CDM standards

  • Databases are set up according to OMOP common data model standards. Lyxncare complies to OHDSI standards, allowing for seemless integration & modelling.
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Hospitals retain data sovereignity

  • A federated AI data model ensures all data remains under the custody of the hospital. Hospitals are in full control of how that data is used and remain its sole proprietor.
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FAIR Data for research

  • At LynxCare, we enable the secondary use of data. By storing it in a OMOP database, we ensure it is FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable & Reusable.
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Guaranteed data quality & traceability

  • LynxCare provides data quality and data traceability guarantees. So HCPs and hospital researchers can rely on and check data quality at all times.
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Privacy by design

  • LynxCare is used in line with (inter)national data privacy regulation across the globe. The use and access to data is always secured with multi-layer access restriction. When deployed in research setting, our team of medical experts helps you collect the necessary consent as well as ethical approval.